Frequently Asked
How Long does an order take?
It usually takes up 3-7 business days if the item is in stock!
Can I cancel my order?
Yes in 12 hours from order place date. If its over than 12 hours we can't cancel it because we already created your shipping slip.
Does the Headlights are legal?
Yes they have E-mark and DOT.
trustoo customer reviews
We use FedEx Express, DPD, UPS, Packeta, GLS, TNT as a Delivery partner. It takes about 3-7 business days depending on your location and on our stock.
The Produce time of a Stunt Brakes and for headlights can take up to 4-12 business days from order date because they made by hand. And they need a 6 phrase producing technology for the strenght, thats why our brakes are the strongest one in the market. In this case we appreciate your patience.
Order Cancellation
You can cancel your order in 12 hours other than that we can’t, because we created you shipping parcel. When you place your order your automatically apply to this.